Python virtual environment

We will work with python 3.5, but is is recommended 3.6

Compile python it from source code

In case you don not have it, follow bellow instructions to compile it from source code.

# script: compile_python


cd /opt
wget --version > /dev/null || apt-get install -y wget # install wget in case is not present
wget -c "${PYTHON_VERSION}/Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.tar.xz"

xz --version || apt-get install -y xz-utils  # install xz in case is not present
tar xf Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.tar.xz
cd Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}/

gcc --version > /dev/null || apt-get install -y build-essential  # install xz in case is not present
apt-get install -y libssl-dev # ssl is required by PIP module

./python --version # should show Python ${PYTHON_VERSION}

Create python virtual environment


sudo ${PYTHON_INTERPRETER_PATH}/python -m venv /opt/python3.6-ciur

Then use /opt/python3.6-ciur/bin/python as a default python interpreter in your IDE (f.e. PyCharm)

Install requirements

# script: install_requirements

${PYTHON_CIUR}/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
apt-get install -y --force-yes $(curl "" | grep -oP "^[^#\s]+")

${PYTHON_CIUR}/pip install -r ""