Install ciurΒΆ

Lets assume that we using virtual env (see Python Virtual environment)


Install branch python3.6-ciur with pip

$ ${PIP} install "git+"
# or for contribution purposes
# ${PIP} install -e "/your/local/clone/of/ciur/branch"
Successfully installed cffi-1.4.2 ciur-0.1.2 cryptography-1.1.2
cssselect-0.9.1 enum34-1.1.2 html5lib-0.9999999 idna-2.0 ipaddress-1.0.16
lxml-3.5.0 ndg-httpsclient-0.4.0 pdfminer-20140328 pyOpenSSL-0.15.1
pyasn1-0.1.9 pycparser-2.14 pyparsing-2.0.7 python-dateutil-2.4.2
requests-2.9.1 six-1.10.0

Type “Hello word”

${CIUR} --url "" --rules=""

Based on ciur rules:

$ curl ""
root `/html/body` +1
    name `.//h1/text()` +1
    paragraph `.//p/text()` +1

We are going to receive parsed data as json:

    "root": {
        "name": "Example Domain",
        "paragraph": "This domain is established to be used for illustrative
                       examples in documents. You may use this
                       domain in examples without prior coordination or
                      asking for permission."